Cemetery Name: |
Stone |
County: | Roane | |
USGS Quad: | Looneyville Map | |
Coordinates: | 38.6939ºN -81.2599ºW | |
Maintained by: | Unknown | |
Land owner: | Unknown | |
Date added to WVCPA register: | March 2009 | |
Condition of cemetery**: | unknown (March 2009) | |
Accessibility: | This cemetery is located on the Linden-Tariff Road at Roxalana, visible from the street on the north side of the road. | |
may not be representative of care at other times of the year Scale: Excellent - Good - Fair - Poor - Abandoned |
Comments: |
Dates in Red are not inscribed on the tombstone and have either been calculated based on death date or are as a result of research on the individual. WVCPA thanks contributor Reggie Watson for sharing the information and photos for this cemetery for posting on this page! |
Updated: 07 September 2012