Cemetery Name: |
J.O. Sayre |
County: | Jackson | |
USGS Quad: | Cottageville | |
Coordinates: | 38.7714ºN 81.7990ºW | |
Maintained by: | not maintained | |
Land owner: | unknown | |
Date added to WVCPA register: | May 2007 | |
Condition of cemetery**: | Poor (May 2007) | |
Accessibility: | The cemetery is located on a high hilltop southwest of Round Knob in Jackson County, not far from the Mason County line. It is not easily accessible - ATV access is even extremely difficult in places, and it's a very, very long walk if going in on foot. See the comments section below for detailed instructions on how to find the cemetery, if you're the adventuresome type. | |
** Condition of cemetery as
observed on the given date - |
Comments: |
Dates in Red
are not inscribed on the tombstone and have either been calculated based on
death date or are as a result of research on the individual.
WVCPA volunteer Alice Click has provided the latest access conditions for getting to this cemetery, based her recent trip in to this cemetery with her husband - starting at 13 Mile Creek just west of the abandoned Rock Castle Church in Mason County:
Alice is right as to the connection back to Foster Ridge - though it appears it's every bit as rough as the route she and her husband took in May. Take a look at the topo map for the area, and you'll see that if you continue northeast on the jeep trail, then keep to the right when it comes to the next "Y", which will lead you down a steep run to Roundknob Run and what is marked on the topo maps as "Danstown". At Roundknob Run at the bottom, take the jeep trail northeast (left). At the first "Y", if you take the Kay Hollow road to the right, it will lead you up onto Foster Ridge, but if you stay to the left and follow the dirt road out Roundknob Run, you'll end up back at the Sayre farm in Parchment Valley at the bottom of the hill where Mt. Moriah Church and cemetery is located. For those coming in from Jackson County, that might prove an easier route, though based on the conditions Alice and Karl found, we make no promises! Alice also writes:
Updated: 20 September 2014